3 Ways To Improve Your Client Process & Onboarding Experience


Have you ever thought about your client experience? Of course you provide a fantastic service or product, but what about the in betweens, the interactions along the way? Especially if you’re a service based business, your client experience should definitely be a factor that you spend some time refining and perfecting.

3 Reasons To Offer A Better Client Experience

they’ll want to shout about you

A better client experience means your clients will LOVE to shout about you to their family and friends. The smaller details can often mean the world to a client, allowing them to truly enjoy every second of your work together. It shows that you care and that you’ve taken some and shows that you’re thoughtful.

less stress + more organisation

A better client experience will mean less stress, for both you and the client. If you’ve already taken the time to look through your process and create a refined process, you won’t have any unexpected mishaps and your client won’t end up confused and frustrated with unorganised and messy systems.

offer a premium service

A better client experience means you can charge more! You heard right. If you offer a premium experience, you should reflect that increased value in your pricing. Going the extra mile and ensuring that all of the loose ends are tied up means that your client will feel super special and will be willing to invest in your seamless services.

3 Ways To Offer A Better Client Experience

organise your processes

If your process is a hot mess, your client (and you) will feel stressed and frustrated throughout your work together. Take some time to map out every step of your process, including emails, contracts, invoices, feedback - everything. Once you’ve done this, simplify and automate where possible, think canned emails to save time, automatic invoice & contract creation, there’s so much you can do.

create an information pack

You’ve got your initial inquiry in your inbox, now what? Well, send across an information pack! Along with your response, attach a link to your information pack which will outline your timelines, prices, terms, faqs and more. This will provide an overview of how you work so that when you begin working together, you start on the right foot and everything is clear before the get go.

inform and educate

Throughout the process, educate your clients and always inform them. Let them know what the next step is, remind them of deadlines, let them know what you’re doing and when they can expect to hear from you - you get the gist. Keeping your clients educated will allow them to relax and enjoy the process instead of wondering what’s going on or what they need to be doing.

Taking some time to review your client experience every few months will help you to develop a seamless process and keep your services fresh and refined. A task definitely worth scheduling into your calendar!


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